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Positivity parade. And a puppy.


It's been rather interesting - and I think quite telling, looking back over the past year of blog posts that the variety and regularity faded somewhat after the summer. Work got busy, evenings grew darker, and my 'cancerversary' approached; altogether not a combination of circumstances to fill me with energy, but rather to deplete my already limited resources. However, the last couple of work weeks before the break were wonderfully quiet on my side of the team, so I finally managed to get my inbox properly under control, responding to emails which were embarrassingly overdue, reading and filing others, and clearing out so much dross! By the time I finished for Christmas, I was down to the bare minimum in my inbox, so I could see what needed doing and what my main priorities would be when returning in January.

That was followed by a wonderful two weeks off work - not all relaxing, but mostly so, with only limited travelling for family visits, and very few demands or obligations. So all in all, it's been a lovely time, and a much needed chance for both of us to unwind properly and have some real family time together and with our grown-up offspring.

The unrepentant face of a puppy who has just enjoyed a VERY muddy romp

The single biggest factor in the return to positivity, though, has been our little puppy. We've talked about getting another pup for a couple of years now, but haven't found the right dog at the right time. In November when Mr B sent me a couple of adverts, I wasn't particularly hopeful that things would be any different this time - but they were, and a couple of weeks later our new puppy came home with us. Despite the interrupted nights and ongoing house training, he absolutely is a little bundle of joy! Fortunately the big floofball seems to have accepted her Big Sister role very well, and shouts to let us know any time he's doing things she thinks he shouldn't...

As always, I'm not making any new year's resolutions, but am trying to keep focussed on the positives. Keeping a gratitude diary in which I note down three things I'm grateful for is a great way to end every day, so that's a habit I'll definitely be trying to keep up this year. Noticing moments of joy and thankfulness as they happen through the day will hopefully help keep me on the right track. And who knows - maybe I'll even manage to blog a little more regularly too!

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